程序 for Inviting and Hosting 国际 访问学者 at ISU


Indiana State University (ISU) seeks to enhance the international dimensions of its research and teaching activities through the presence of 访问学者 on campus. The goals of this program are to:

  • Promote greater involvement of visiting scholars in research, teaching and service on the ISU campus and in the community.
  • Ensure clarity as to the salary and benefits provided by the University to individual visiting scholars, 在适用情况下.
  • Obtain compliance with all Federal regulations related to international visiting scholars.

Visiting scholars include those individuals employed by our institution of higher learning abroad who are:

  • Conducting research or teaching on campus.
  • Participating in training programs.
  • Eligible to receive a J-1 visa

访问学者 may be supported by governmental or private agencies or they may be self-funded.


A. The process for inviting and hosting international visiting scholars at Indiana State University is outlined below. A hosting department planning to invite a visiting scholar to ISU must submit a copy of the form below to the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs via the Dean of the College/School and the Director of the Office of 国际 项目 and 服务. The form shall include the following information, needed to complete the visa application process.


  • The full name of the visiting scholar as it appears on the passport
  • The city of birth and birth date
  • 建议的停留时间
  • The source(s) of funding support
  • Additional commitments the department plans to make to the scholar (providing office space, 进入课堂等.)
  • The primary responsibilities assigned to the visiting scholar while on campus

B. The Office of Academic Affairs reviews the recommendation. Upon acceptance of the recommendations, the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs send a letter of invitation to the Scholar and to the hosting department. The invitation clarifies the University's support (such as office space, 计算机访问, 等)访问学者. Copies are sent to the Director of the Office of 国际 项目 and 服务 Center, 合适的院长, 以及主办部门.

C. Upon receiving the information from the Office of Academic affairs, IPS establishes a Visiting Scholar file, prepares and (if necessary) issues and sends the DS-2019 Form needed by the scholar to obtain a J-1 visa.

D. IPS informs the visiting scholar concerning all the J-1 regulations, especially those concerning appropriate insurance coverage for the scholar. 学者们被告知, 到达ISU后, they must provide evidence of insurance coverage to IPS, or to purchase an insurance coverage from a designated insurance company.

E. Before the arrival of the visiting scholar, IPS will forward the PASS form to the Office of Academic Affairs and an individual identification number will be assigned to the Visiting Scholar. The identification number is needed prior to receiving an ISU identification card, even though the individual will not be considered an employee of ISU. A University ID card will not be issued without approved insurance coverage. The Visiting Scholar may pick up the card at the 公共安全 Office.

F. IPS will work with the hosting department to make housing and airport pickup arrangements for the visiting scholar prior to their arrival.

G.IPS will provide an orientation for the visiting scholar to the ISU campus and community, and a "Visiting Scholar Packet." The packet provides the appropriate information needed to assist the scholar in adjusting to the community.

H. 在适当的地方, the hosting department works with IPS regarding academic programming for the Visiting Scholar outside the hosting department.

The Office of Academic Affairs will maintain a list of Visiting Scholar appointments.